Meet the Impact Boards
Our competent and interdisciplinary Impact Board supports the startup days team in further expanding our community and making it the leading platform for entrepreneurship in Switzerland.

Dr. Thomas Bähler
Partner, Kellerhals Carrard; President Newcomers Jury

Gina Domanig
Managing Partner, Emerald Technology Ventures

Dr. Thomas Dübendorfer
Internet Entrepreneur and Business Angel, President at Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC)

Dr. Nicolas Durand, PhD
CEO, Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva

Dr. Cornelia Gut-Villa
Managing Director, Foundation Startfeld

PD Dr. Alexander Ilic
Executive Director ETH AI Center & Board Member S2S Ventures

Jeremias Meier
Serial Entrepreneur, CEO & Co-Founder, Paymira

Simon Michel
CEO und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung Ypsomed, Nationalrat

Jacqueline Ruedin Rüsch
Founding General Partner, Privilège Ventures

Adam Said
Co-Founder and Partner, Ace & Company

Peter Stähli
Head of Entrepreneuership, Swiss Entrepreneurs Foundation

Dr. Pascale Vonmont
CEO & Director, Gebert Rüf Foundation

Dr. Christian Wenger
Partner & Board of Directors, Wenger & Vieli AG

Roger Wüthrich-Hasenböhler
Chief Digital Officer, Swisscom